Speakers list
Giacomo Indiveri
Bjorn Merker
Germund Hesslow
Armin Duff - Martí Sánchez
Armin Duff, Encarni Marcos
Ugo Pattacini
Students work on projects
Students work on projects
Students presentations
Students work on projects
Here you can find video registrations of the 2011 talks and links to interviews with the speakers. Registered participants also have access to papers and other details.
Hardware implementations of spiking neural networks for real-time behaving cognitive systems - Giacomo Indiveri - Giacomo Indiveri |
Exploring brain macrosystems: functional principles meet neuroanatomical structure - Bjorn Merker - Bjorn Merker |
Current status of the simulations theory of thinking - Germund Hesslow - Germund Hesslow |
IQR - Martí Sánchez & Ivan Herreros - Armin Duff - Martí Sánchez |
IQR/DAC - Armin Duff & Encarni Marcos - Armin Duff, Encarni Marcos |
How to start programming the iCub, and why - Ugo Pattacini - Ugo Pattacini |
Students work on projects - Students work on projects |
Students work on projects - Students work on projects |
Students presentations - Students presentations |
Students work on projects - Students work on projects |
Tutorial - TBA |