user warning: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'offset, tz.offset_dst AS offset_dst, tz.dst_region, tz.is_dst, e.event_start ...' at line 1 query: SELECT e.event_start, e.event_end, e.timezone, e.has_time, e.has_end_date, tz.offset AS offset, tz.offset_dst AS offset_dst, tz.dst_region, tz.is_dst, e.event_start - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND AS event_start_utc, e.event_end - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND AS event_end_utc, e.event_start - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL 0 SECOND AS event_start_user, e.event_end - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL 0 SECOND AS event_end_user, e.event_start - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL 3600 SECOND AS event_start_site, e.event_end - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL 3600 SECOND AS event_end_site, as timezone_name FROM event e INNER JOIN event_timezones tz ON tz.timezone = e.timezone WHERE nid = 48 in /home/specslab/ on line 12.

How to start programming the iCub, and why - Ugo Pattacini

Ugo Pattacini


The tutorial will present a general overview of the hardware and software tools developers can exploit in their studies in artificial embodied cognition with the iCub. The iCub is one of the most advanced humanoid platforms and is available as a fully open system in many European laboratories researching in robotics, such as the SPECS here in Barcelona. The iCub body is equipped with 53 degrees of freedom, stereo cameras, gyroscope, force sensors, artificial skin and its hands have been designed to enable dexterous manipulation. Moreover, the audience will be guided through the basics of software development using the YARP middleware, providing simple code examples that range from vision processing to motor control fundamentals. Finally, a quick tour into the project repository will reveal the increasing number of open applications made accessible by groups working with iCub and sharing a common set of experimental facilities; this way, researchers might benefit from the existing software to address specific problems with well-established frameworks, to then concentrate more on their current goals.

Please note that C++ will be used throughout the tutorial, hence a basic (but not advanced) understanding of the language is required.

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