Program Overview

BCBT follows a combined presentation and hands-on practicals format. Sessions on high-level research related topics, including tutorial level introductions with reports on cutting edge research will be combined with introductions in practical technological and methodological issues that will culminate in projects that the students will develop and present during the summer school. In parallel we foresee smaller ad-hoc meetings dealing with specific themes and/or issues relevant to specific consortia.

For the 2011, the first week of the school will coincide with a series of workshops in the afternoons related to the FET Flagship Co-ordination Action on Robot Companions for Citizens (, whilst the 2nd week will include discussions aimed at developing a Research Roadmap for Biomimetics (as part of the CSN co-ordination action). The provisional schedule is as follows:


Week 1              Dates               Themes

Sept 5/6th         The future robots: Society & Brain

Sept 7th/8th      The future robots: Mind & Body

Sept 9th/10th    The future robots: Materials & Tools

Week 2              Dates               Themes

                         Sept 12th-16th  Biomimetics



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