Speakers list

Maarja Kruusmaa Tony Prescott Aaron Sloman
Federico Carpi Frank Bremmer Auke IJspeert
Huosheng Hu Frank Grasso Maria Carrozza
Mitra Hartmann Joseph Ayers David Lentink
Andy Phillipides Yoseph Bar-Cohen Kevin O'Regan
Hillel Chiel Jon H. Kaas Paul Verschure
Dom Massaro Frank Grasso Noel Sharkey
Roberto Cingolani David Lane
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Here you can find video registrations of the 2011 talks and links to interviews with the speakers. Registered participants also have access to papers and other details.

How Fish KISS: A Reductionist Approach to a Biomimetic Design of an Underwater Fish Robot - Maarja Kruusmaa
Biomimetic robotics with a light touch - Tony Prescott
How to combine science and engineering to solve philosophical problems - Aaron Sloman
Electromechanically active polymer artificial muscles for future soft robotics and biomimetics - Federico Carpi
Spatial representations during eye movements - Frank Bremmer
Control of locomotion using central pattern generators: from biology to robotics - Auke IJspeert
Biomimetics - An evolutionary transformation from biological systems to intelligent robots - Huosheng Hu
Biologically-inspired balancing of inherited and learned behaviors in mobile robots - Frank Grasso
Towards human-robot symbiosis - New perspectives for assistive and rehabilitation robotics - Maria Carrozza
Biological Modeling and Biomimetics: Some Thoughts from Study of the Rat Vibrissal (Whisker) System - Mitra Hartmann
Synthetic Neuroethology - Joseph Ayers
Biofluiddynamics of flight as an inspiration for design - David Lentink
Mimicking the elegance of insect behavior: a case study in visual navigation - Andy Phillipides
Humanlike Robots - The ultimate challenge to mimicking biology in a synthetic form - Yoseph Bar-Cohen
How to Make a Robot that Feels - Kevin O'Regan
Towards Autonomous Robots: Lessons from Biology - Hillel Chiel
The Evolution of the Large, Complex Human Brain - Jon H. Kaas
Biologically Constrained Learning - Paul Verschure
Technology Assisted Reading Acquisition (TARA): Acquiring Literacy Naturally - Dom Massaro
Exploring cephalopod object manipulation: modeling studies of neural control of Octopus suckers and squid tentacles - Frank Grasso - Frank Grasso
Trading rights: the ethical marketplace of robotics - Noel Sharkey
Nanotechnologies for humans and humanoids - Roberto Cingolani
Dolphin Inspired Sonar Development for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - David Lane

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