user warning: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'offset, tz.offset_dst AS offset_dst, tz.dst_region, tz.is_dst, e.event_start ...' at line 1 query: SELECT e.event_start, e.event_end, e.timezone, e.has_time, e.has_end_date, tz.offset AS offset, tz.offset_dst AS offset_dst, tz.dst_region, tz.is_dst, e.event_start - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND AS event_start_utc, e.event_end - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND AS event_end_utc, e.event_start - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL 0 SECOND AS event_start_user, e.event_end - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL 0 SECOND AS event_end_user, e.event_start - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL 3600 SECOND AS event_start_site, e.event_end - INTERVAL IF(tz.is_dst, tz.offset_dst, tz.offset) HOUR_SECOND + INTERVAL 3600 SECOND AS event_end_site, as timezone_name FROM event e INNER JOIN event_timezones tz ON tz.timezone = e.timezone WHERE nid = 34 in /home/specslab/ on line 12.

Hardware implementations of spiking neural networks for real-time behaving cognitive systems - Giacomo Indiveri

Giacomo Indiveri

 This tutorial will cover the design of large-scale networks of spiking
neurons in VLSI technology, for real-time behaving systems.
It will begin with an introduction to motivate the approaches followed,
a description of potential applications and a comprehensive overview of
the state-of-the-art in the field, including the presentation of
standard models for spiking neural networks. We will provide basic
notions on sub-threshold and above threshold MOSFET operation and
analogies between the biophysics of biological neurons and the physics
of transistor channels, and summarize the characteristics of basic MOS
circuits, crucial for implementing spiking neural networks.
We will describe spike-based learning circuits and show how to build
large-scale multi-chip systems, that can carry out sensory processing in
real-time and provide fast control/motor outputs to robotic actuators.

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