The Barcelona Cognition, Brain and Technology Summer School. 4th edition.
Sept 5-16, 2011 Barcelona, Spain
BCBT 2012 coming soon!!
Sept 3-14, 2012 Barcelona, Spain
On this site you can find video registrations of the 2011 talks and links to interviews with the speakers. Registered participants also have access to papers and other details.

PARTICIPATION TO BCBT 2011BCBT caters to the students and researchers involved in projects that are in the ambit of “bio-ict convergence” "brain Inspired ICT", “cognitive systems-robotics” ***All BCBT participants should be members of "The Convergent Science Network of biomimetic and biohybrid systems" (CSN) BCBT will offer up to 30 student slots for the practical workshops while as many researchers of the associated projects can sign up to attend the presentations and discussion sessions as are interested. For the lectures the limit will be placed at 75 given the capacity of the available lecture theatre.
** The registration fee is 300 €.
*** BCBT has a number of student scholarships available. The scholarships cover travel expenses, accommodation and registration fee. All reimbursements will be done once the Summer School is finished. |
BCBT is sponsored by CSN and EUCogII
CSN is funded by the 7th Research Framework Programme FP7-ICT-CSN-248986