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To apply, please register (application page ») before July 20. If you have any further questions, please contact bcbt [at] upf [dot] edu.
The registration fee is 200 €.
BCBT has a number of student scholarships available. The scholarships cover travel expenses, accommodation and registration fee. All reimbursements will be done once the Summer School is finished.
The BCBT summer school will be hosted by the Synthetic Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems Group at the Institute of Audio-visual Studies (IUA) of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. This has a number of practical reasons. On one hand SPECS@IUA can directly provide all spaces and infrastructure required to support the workshop. On the other, Barcelona is easily reached from most European airports and provides an inspiring back drop for the summer school with its beaches and world renowned culture. The organizers believe that in this way both the costs of the event and the effort involved in running it and the scientific outcome will be optimized. The hosting university Pompeu Fabra has already committed itself to fully supporting the practical organization of BCBT.
BCBT caters to the students and researchers involved in the associated European projects. Currently these are:
ReNaChip – Angie Silmon
Neurochem – Santiago Marco ICEA – Tom Ziemke Synthetic Forager (SF) – Paul Verschure BIOTACT - Tony Prescot The coordinators of these consortia are all member of the organizing committee of the summer school. BCBT will offer up to 30 student slots for the practical workshops while as many researchers of the associated projects can sign up to attend the presentations and discussion sessions as are interested. For the lectures the limit will be placed at 75 given the capacity of the available lecture theatre. In addition, we will open up 10 additional student slots for euCognition members in case euCognition decides to support BCBT.
September 7-18, 2009 Target audience (N = ~50 active full-time): PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, members of associated EC IST consortia.
lectures (2 x 2 hours including sufficient time for discussion)
Week 1: Skills: simulation techniques, robot control techniques, experimental design, etc
Week 2: Project work
Associated EC-IST consortia ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |