This edition of the summer school is hosted by the SPECS group of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) at the UPC Campus Diagonal-Besòs, situated in a new area of Barcelona very close to the sea. This has a number of practical reasons. On the one hand, UPC can provide all spaces and infrastructure required to support the school. On the other, Barcelona is easily reached from most European airports and provides an inspiring backdrop for the summer school with its beaches and world-renowned culture. The organizers believe that in this way both the costs of the event and the effort involved in running it and the scientific outcome will be optimized. The hosting Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) has already committed itself to support the practical organization of BCBT now in its 11th edition.
LECTURES: Sala Polivalente A03 (ground floor)
see google map Campus Diagonal Besòs