SpiNNaker Arkitecture: Luis Plana

Thursday, 4 September, 2014 - 15:30 to 17:30

SpiNNaker is a novel computer architecture inspired by the working of the human brain.

A SpiNNaker machine is a massively parallel computing platform, targeted towards three main areas of research:

Neuroscience: Understanding how the brain works is a Grand Challenge of 21st century science. 

Robotics: SpiNNaker is a good target for researchers in robotics, who need mobile, low power computation. 

Computer Science: SpiNNaker breaks the rules followed by traditional supercomputers that rely on deterministic, repeatable communications and reliable computation.

Find out more at: http://apt.cs.manchester.ac.uk/projects/SpiNNaker/

Luis Plana <luis.plana@manchester.ac.uk>